Time Management: The Single Most Important Component to My Productivity

The combined strategy of time management that applies to most artistic creators, especially with the COVID-19 Pandemic

Joe Duncan


Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

Stop and retrace your day today, what you’ve done thus far, or, if you’re reading this in the morning, stop and think about what you did yesterday. What was the structure like? Did you find time to write? Did you set aside a few hours to churn out a few dozen or hundred words to your liking? Were you satisfied with your productive output? What do you think you could’ve done better? Honestly, I tend to stay away from writing self-help articles that try to tell people how to work. Everyone’s workflow is different, people thrive on different things, people are distracted by different things, where some people can write in a crowded bar, others would need a quiet library or home office. The Covid-19 outbreak has changed the way we do everything in our lives for pretty much everybody, including us writers. I’ve noticed that quite a few people have reported that they’re finding it more difficult to write, even if they have extra time to do so and less responsibilities. If this sounds like you, I think the answer might lie in how you use your interrupted versus your uninterrupted productive time, and how you balance and use the two in…



Joe Duncan

I’ve worked in politics for thirteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: Medium.com/Sexography | The Science of Sex: http://thescienceofsex.substack.com